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The ShadowDezign Team

The ShadowDezign Web Design and Web Development Core Team continues to take formal education to enhance and hone their skills to provide the best service to our clients. We are versed in many other areas where the formal training has not been readily established yet. The field of web development and web design is a comparatively new arena.


Formal Training In:

  • Web Page Design
  • Web Publishing
  • Advanced Web Publishing
  • Accessibility for the WWW
  • Technical/Professional Communication
  • Advanced Creative Web Page
  • Digital Design
  • Digital Photo Imagery
  • Multimedia
  • Graphic Design for the Web
  • Special Studies in Art: PhotoShop for the Web
  • Mentor, Teaching Assistant, and Tutor
  • PhotoShop
  • Illustrator
  • Perl/ PHP/CGI
  • MySQL (Database)
  • JavaScript
  • Flash
  • Director
  • Cascading Style Sheets

Advanced Web Publishing

Focus of this training, the systematic development of interactive web sites using cascading style sheets, dynamics HTML, forms, client-side programming with JavaScript, CGI scripting with Perl and PHP, and web-database interactivity.

Accessibility for the World Wide Web

Methods that are used in making web sites useable for people with disabilities. Current legal requirements for accessible web sites with an emphasis on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 are emphasized.

Technical/Professional Communication

Emphasized principles of reader-centered writing for the workplace, focusing specifically on aspects of technical and professional communication. Writing of documents used in businesses, academia, industry, and government, including memos, letters, brochures, reports, procedures, proposals, grants, scientific reports, web sites, software documentation, and case studies.

Advanced Creative Web Page

In-depth training of site design and animation for Web sites. Focus on dynamic and interactive Web sites using Macromedia Flash!

Scripting for the Internet

Emphasis on the creation of web pages incorporating complex processes using traditional structures, top down design and an implementation approach. Topics covered include the design and writing of scripts to automate processes, maintaining databases, handling image maps, maintaining security, implementing statistical data collection, performing problem analysis, building templates, and other multi-media tasks.

Web Page Design

Design, layout, construction, and presentation.

Web Publishing

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), organizing and managing web sites. Extensive use of the tools necessary to develop effective web sites. Also, the identification of information dissemination needs of a client, design an appropriate WWW solution, and implement it.

Digital Design

Design concepts and principals using Adobe Illustrator.

Digital Photo Imagery

Photographic and computer generated imaging using the operating principles of Adobe Photoshop. Extensive color field variation, retouching, and the integration of graphic and photographs.


Concepts of multimedia using Macromedia Director to create interactive presentations, scanned images, sound and Quick Time movies.

Graphic Design for the Web

Principles of graphic design to publishing on the World Wide Web. Various methods and techniques employed to design and adapt content for this medium. Emphasis on producing fully functional web pages and sites including text, graphics and multimedia content. Web delivery methods for sound, video animation and interactive content.

Special Studies in Art: PhotoShop for the Web

Specialized course with the emphasis on graphic design use for the World Wide Web.